Following the enthusiastic support and success of our Kickstarter campaign, our Aqua Dragons® voyaged to space and back and are ready to be taken home. Aqua Dragons® Live Astro Pets are the world’s first live pets you can hatch and grow from home. They are simply out-of-this-world!
On April 17, 13.8 million Aqua Dragons®, or Artemia, eggs were launched into space from Mequinenza in Aragon, Spain. The total Space flight lasted 3 hours and 32 minutes. The eggs reached an altitude of 109,560 feet and a low temperature of -59 Celsius. You can watch the space flight here and read more about our exciting Space Project here.
Live Astro Pets are generating quite the stir around the globe. Our aquatic astronauts have been featured in Space.com, The Toy Book, Inquisitr, The Toy Insider as well on WDIV NBC Detroit TV.
In addition, Live Astro Pets are receiving rave reviews from our fans and toy enthusiasts alike. Check out Toy Time’s review from start to finish as Harriet and Sebastian eagerly unbox their Aqua Dragons® Live Astro Pets Deluxe, set-up, hatch and grow their space eggs into happy, healthy, and absolutely adorable two-week old Aqua Dragons®!
Susan writes that she’s waited 30 years for the chance to hatch and grow her own Aqua Dragons® after Santa kept skipping over them on her wishlist as a child and shares her experience here.
Jane and her son write about how stoked they were that the eggs they hatched had been to space and came with a certificate of authenticity to prove it! Read her review here.
Sarah and her daughter give Live Astro Pets a go and share their experience in Run Jump Scrap.
Aqua Dragons® Live Astro Pets Collector's Edition now available and ready to ship. So get them now before they all blast off! 3, 2, 1, place your order!