We have created a new monthly blog section where we will introduce you to our biggest fans as you are an important part of Aqua Dragons and we would like to know you all!
The first person to inaugurate this section is our friend Arturo. He is 37 years old and is from Barcelona, he works as an administrative executive in the automotive field. He spends his spare time taking care of Aqua Dragons as he finds it relaxing and helps him to take out all the work stress.
How did you get to know Aqua Dragons?
In 2011 I bought a complet kit of Sea Monkeys guided by my curiosity, this year, I wanted to buy them a new tank, eggs and food, that’s when I discover the Aqua Dragons, which I thought it was quite improved so I decided to purchase for a completely new kit.
Where and when did you buy your first kit?
I purchased my first Aqua Dragons kit in 2013.
What do you think about the experience of hatching the Aqua Dragons?
The marvelous experience of having the Aqua Dragons it starts even before you see them hatching, as it’s suprising the fact that they are hibernating in their packets, like travelling in time until you decide to hatch them in their tank..
Once you’ve poured the eggs in the water, you see small white dots moving around and you realise about the miracle of life that you are holding in your hands and watching with your own eyes. Something so little but so big and sensational at the same time. Plus the tank LED lights makes observing them a relaxing exercise with a great design that gives a modern twist to the room where you place it.
It’s a hobby compromised with the nature, as they are real living creatures that you have to take care of. You learn that they have emotions depending on their movements, you see them reproducing and reacting when they see the sunlight, they love it! And what is most surprising is that they never sleep!
What do the Aqua Dragons mean to you?
Emotionally speaking, when I purchased my first kit in 2011 I was under stress due to changing my job, so taking care of the Sea Monkeys made me disconnect from the rutine and the concerns and at the same time I felt relaxed. In addition, they don’t require huge care, just simple steps to follow as the Aqua Draggons instructions booklet indicates, you don’t need plenty of time to take care of them.
Have you had any problems?
As in every natural hábitat, only the strongest survive, and that’s what happens with the Aqua Dragons. It’s sad to see that at first many of them are born but then the colony is reduced. I get to the point that it takes influence the time that those eggs have been on the packet until you hatch them.
Another thing is that after 2 years the tank gets a green color because of the algae, which at the same time produces oxygen but it soils the tank and you can’t see through it, you just need to clean it, but besides that everything is perfect.
In conclusion, we should never lose the child inside us, furthermore, I don't see it as a toy but as a whole nature experience and a responsibility.
Hemos creado una nueva sección mensual donde os presentaremos a nuestros mayores fans, ya que sois una parte importante en Aqua Dragons y ¡nos encantaría conoceros a todos!
El primero en inaugurar esta sección es nuestro amigo Arturo. Tiene 37 años, es de Barcelona y trabaja como administrativo en el sector de la automoción. Pasa parte de su tiempo libre cuidando de sus Aqua Dragons ya que lo considera una actividad relajante y le ayuda a desestresarse después de un día duro de trabajo.
¿Como conociste "Aqua Dragons"?
¿Cuando y donde adquiriste tu primer kit?
¿Qué tal la experiencia de hacerlos eclosionar?
La experiencia y sensación maravillosa de disponer de Aqua Dragons ocurre incluso antes de verlos eclosionar, pues sorprende mucho, que estén letargados en el sobre los huevos de Aqua Dragons, como realizando un viaje en el tiempo hasta que deseas eclosionen en su pecera.
¿Qué significan para ti los Aqua Dragons?
Es un hobby comprometido con la naturaleza, pues son seres vivos y hay que cuidarlos. Aprendes que tienen emociones, por sus movimientos, al verlos aparearse, o cómo reaccionan cuando ven luz, ¡les encanta! Aparte sorprende que ¡nunca duermen!
¿Has tenido algún problema?
En conclusión, jamás deberíamos perder el niño que llevamos dentro, Aqua Dragons no es solo un juguete, es toda una experiencia con la naturaleza y una responsabilidad.